*** Update *** The 2022 Santa Run is moving to Sunday, 12/18. This was scheduled as the rain date. The change is to allow our department to participate in the memorial services for the fallen firefighters from Station 17. Sunday’s route and times will be the same as previously scheduled. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Santa will be making his way around Alburtis and Lower Macungie with a little help from the fire department on December 17th.(Rain date Dec. 18th) We will be posting the routes as soon as possible. Please check back or follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates.
Important reminders and information about the Santa Run:
1) We provide the turn by turn routes and time frames so you can plan accordingly; as you may have to come to a street / intersection that we will be passing by. It is not realistic or feasible to go down every street in the Township. The routes are set up in order to keep them running efficiently and effectively and so that we can hit the maximum amount of area in a reasonable time frame.
2) The times listed are approximate; as we will also have to respond and handle any emergencies that may come in while we are out.
3) Candy will be tossed to the kids, so please make sure your kids are careful when picking it up.
4) If you would like to submit a picture that you took of the Santa Run, please email it to: info@firestation30.org. We will be posting them on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
Thank you and enjoy the Holidays!
Updated 12/05/2022